One of the best kept secrets of Indian ayurvedic practitioners, Indian Shilajit Gold for sexual health. Physical and mental stress, depression, lack of exercise, prolonged use of various medications, chronic diseases, heavy smoking, chronic alcoholism , gutkha consumption etc. can lead to decreased sexual desire and reduction in vitality. Shilajit Gold is an embodiment of the knowledge of Ayurveda for enhancing sexual health. It is a unique combination of Shilajit, Gold, Kesar and other important herbs. It is a powerful sex stimulant, which improves sexual health and acts as a rejuvenator in increasing stamina, vigour and vitality. A true Power station on the whole All these above health benefits of Shilajit Gold facilitate rejuvenation of body and mind. A rejuvenated mind and body would obviously perform better than diseased and stressed ones. Thus, Shilajit Gold helps in maintaining ones libido by helping the body remain young and juvenile. Besides there are a few research finding where Shilajit has been objectively proved to have aphrodisiac effect. In one such work scientists in Bulgaria, who are interested in non-hormonal treatment for sexual deficiencies and anomalies studied Shilajit and found that 750 mg shilajit taken daily increased testosterone levelly by over 30%. It also improved the speed, motility and the number old sperms in men. In yet another study published in Indian Journal of Medical Research, prolonged administration of shilajit was found to cause increase of testes and seminal vesicle in male rats. The study concludes that these effects as well as the administration of shilajit in spermatorrhoea seem to indicate some endocrine stimulating action similar to those produced by tropic hormones of the anterior pituitary.